
You will want to make backups of the sites you own or host for others. Don't confuse the journal with a backup strategy. The journal tells others how the pages you decide to keep got the way they are. If you loose pages, the journals go with them.

If you backup files on your laptop then the files in .wiki should get backed up too. Check to be sure. I use Apple's TimeMachine to backup hundreds of wiki sites on an hourly basis.

If you have a site hosted in a farm you can back that up by exporting the whole site as a json file. You can use curl or just SaveAs from the browser.

curl >backup

If you host sites for friends you want to keep then you should make backups for them too. The rsync command will do this efficiently over ssh.

rsync -avz backups

If you write pages that people like then they might just last forever without any additional work on your part. Good pages will take care of themselves in a Darwinian sense but these 'selfish pages' aren't doing this for you.